Oh yes. This is how it's going to be while I'm out here. Do to the fact that trying to get on a computer at the internet place takes almost 1 1/2 to 2 hours and lets not forget the office computer. There is only one computer for about 30 people to get on and check their e-mails and what not. I had purchased a thumb drive so I could type my blog on my computer and then just upload it on here but it has seemed to have disappeared (sticky fingers McGee). I just figured I'd stop by and let everyone know I have made it back to the sand box. I know all your prayers and wishes are here for me and I thank you for them. If youd like to contact me the e-mail is joshua.christie@acemnf-wiraq.usmc.mil . And to my loving wife I love you and miss you. HOW DID I GET SO LUCKY?Later, Joshua
As you can tell I'm trying to spice up the blog page. So over the next couple of days you'll see a couple of changes here and there. Just hang in there with me. I'll also get those pics I promised earlier. I'm more worried about doing things to the page that I will not be able to do in country.
Fell off. Fell off. Fell the hell off!Thats exactly what happened. I have been so busy the past few months since returning that I haven't really found the time or the words to really have a good blog. Sean (docinthebox.blogspot.com) has been poking me with a stick for the past month or so to let everyone know what I have done in my last three months of being home. There are only two things that I feel are of real importance. I am now a married man! On Jan 7th, 2006 I got married to my girlfriend of two years. I met her family over Christmas leave and asked her to marry me on christmas eve. I had to get the ok from her dad before I even thought about popping the question. I have some pics but will have to post them later when I get on my personal computer.The other thing of great importance is my return to the sand box. I will be deploying again the first week of Febuaury to Al Taqqadum, Iraq. I will be flying in the CH-46 as a casevac corpsman. Which is basically an EMT of sorts. We fly into the battle zones and pick up wounded and treat them as we fly them to a higher echelon of care. So after much deliberation with the wife we decided it would help us as far as the money for our first home. So, here we go again for another 6-9 month deployment. So the next time you read from me it will be from the sand box.JoshuaDING! Fries are done..! You have to read Doc in the Box to understand that last part.